- L-shaped kidney, Q63.8
- Labia, labium
- Labile
- Labioglossal paralysis, G12.29
- Labium leporinum
- Labor
- Labored breathing
- Labyrinthitis (circumscribed) (destructive) (diffuse) (inner ear) (latent) (purulent) (suppurative), H83.0
- Laceration
- Lack of
- Lacrimal
- Lacrimation, abnormal
- Lacrimonasal duct
- Lactation, lactating (breast) (puerperal, postpartum)
- Lacticemia, excessive, E87.20
- Lacunar skull, Q75.8
- Laennec\’s cirrhosis, K70.30
- Lafora\’s disease
- Lag, lid (nervous)
- Lagophthalmos (eyelid) (nervous), H02.209
- Laki-Lorand factor deficiency
- Lalling, F80.0
- Lambert-Eaton syndrome
- Lambliasis, lambliosis, A07.1
- Landau-Kleffner syndrome
- Landouzy-Déjérine dystrophy or facioscapulohumeral atrophy, G71.02
- Landouzy\’s disease (icterohemorrhagic leptospirosis), A27.0
- Landry-Guillain-Barré, syndrome or paralysis, G61.0
- Landry\’s disease or paralysis, G61.0
- Lane\’s
- Langdon Down syndrome
- Lapsed immunization schedule status, Z28.39
- Large
- Large-for-dates NEC (infant) (4000g to 4499g), P08.1
- Larsen-Johansson disease orosteochondrosis
- Larsen\’s syndrome (flattened facies and multiple congenital dislocations), Q74.8
- Larva migrans
- Laryngeal
- Laryngismus (stridulus), J38.5
- Laryngitis (acute) (edematous) (fibrinous) (infective) (infiltrative) (malignant) (membranous) (phlegmonous) (pneumococcal) (pseudomembranous) (septic) (subglottic) (suppurative) (ulcerative), J04.0
- Laryngocele (congenital) (ventricular), Q31.3
- Laryngofissure, J38.7
- Laryngomalacia (congenital), Q31.5
- Laryngopharyngitis (acute), J06.0
- Laryngoplegia, J38.00
- Laryngoptosis, J38.7
- Laryngospasm, J38.5
- Laryngostenosis, J38.6
- Laryngotracheitis (acute) (Infectional) (infective) (viral), J04.2
- Laryngotracheobronchitis
- Larynx, laryngeal
- Lassa fever, A96.2
- Lassitude
- Late
- Late effect (s)
- Latent
- Laterocession
- Lateroflexion
- Lateroversion
- Lathyrism
- Launois-Bensaude adenolipomatosis, E88.89
- Launois\’ syndrome (pituitary gigantism), E22.0
- Laurence-Moon-Biedl syndrome (-Bardet), Q87.89
- Lax, laxity
- Laxative habit, F55.2
- Lazy leukocyte syndrome, D70.8
- Löffler\’s
- Lead miner\’s lung, J63.6
- Leak, leakage
- Leaky heart
- Learning defect (specific), F81.9
- Leather bottle stomach, C16.9
- Leber\’s
- Lederer\’s anemia, D59.19
- Leeches (external)
- Leg
- Legg-Perthes disease, syndrome or osteochondrosis (-Calvé), M91.1-
- Legionellosis, A48.1
- Legionnaires\’
- Leigh\’s disease, G31.82
- Leiner\’s disease, L21.1
- Leiofibromyoma
- Leiomyoblastoma
- Leiomyofibroma
- Leiomyoma
- Leiomyoma, leiomyomatosis (intravascular)
- Leiomyosarcoma
- Leishmaniasis, B55.9
- Leishmanoid, dermal
- Lenegre\’s disease, I44.2
- Lengthening, leg
- Lennert\’s lymphoma
- Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, G40.812
- Lens
- Lenticonus (anterior) (posterior) (congenital), Q12.8
- Lenticular degeneration, progressive, E83.01
- Lentiglobus (posterior) (congenital), Q12.8
- Lentigo (congenital), L81.4
- Lentivirus, as cause of disease classified elsewhere, B97.31
- Leontiasis
- Lepothrix, A48.8
- Lepra
- Leprechaunism, E34.8
- Leprosy, A30.-
- Leptocytosis, hereditary, D56.9
- Leptomeningitis (chronic) (circumscribed) (hemorrhagic) (nonsuppurative)
- Leptomeningopathy, G96.198
- Leptospiral
- Leptospirochetal
- Leptospirosis, A27.9
- Leptus dermatitis, B88.0
- Leri-Weill syndrome, Q77.8
- Leriche\’s syndrome (aortic bifurcation occlusion), I74.09
- Leri\’s pleonosteosis, Q78.8
- Lermoyez\’ syndrome
- Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, E79.1
- Leser-Trélat disease, L82.1
- Lesion (s) (nontraumatic)
- Less than a high school diploma, Z55.5
- Lethargic
- Lethargy, R53.83
- Letterer-Siwe\’s disease, C96.0
- Leukemia, leukemic, C95.9-
- Leukemoid reaction, D72.823-
- Leukoaraiosis (hypertensive), I67.81
- Leukoariosis
- Leukocoria
- Leukocytopenia, D72.819
- Leukocytosis, D72.829
- Leukoderma, leukodermia NEC, L81.5
- Leukodystrophy, E75.29
- Leukoedema, oral epithelium, K13.29
- Leukoencephalitis, G04.81
- Leukoencephalopathy, G93.49
- Leukoerythroblastosis, D75.9
- Leukokeratosis
- Leukokraurosis vulva (e), N90.4
- Leukoma (cornea)
- Leukomalacia, cerebral, newborn, P91.2
- Leukomelanopathy, hereditary, D72.0
- Leukonychia (punctata) (striata), L60.8
- Leukopathia unguium, L60.8
- Leukopenia, D72.819
- Leukopenic
- Leukoplakia
- Leukorrhea, N89.8
- Leukosarcoma, C85.9-
- Levocardia (isolated), Q24.1
- Levotransposition, Q20.5
- Levulosuria
- Levurid, L30.2
- Lev\’s disease or syndrome (acquired complete heart block), I44.2
- Lewy body (ies) (disease), G31.83
- Leyden-Möbius dystrophy
- Leydig cell
- Leydig-Sertoli cell tumor
- LGSIL (Low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion on cytologic smear of)
- Liar, pathologic, F60.2
- Libido
- Libman-Sacks disease, M32.11
- Lice (infestation), B85.2
- Lichen, L28.0
- Lichenification, L28.0
- Lichenoides tuberculosis (primary), A18.4
- Lichtheim\’s disease or syndrome, D51.0
- Lien migrans, D73.89
- Ligament
- Light
- Light-for-dates (infant), P05.00
- Lightning (effects) (stroke) (struck by), T75.00
- Lightwood-Albright syndrome, N25.89
- Lightwood\’s disease or syndrome (renal tubular acidosis), N25.89
- Lignac disease or syndrome (-de Toni) (-Fanconi) (-Debré), E72.09
- Ligneous thyroiditis, E06.5
- Likoff\’s syndrome, I20.8
- Limb
- Limbic epilepsy personality syndrome, F07.0
- Limitation, limited
- Lindau disease (-von Hippel), Q85.83
- Line (s)
- Linea corneae senilis
- Lingua
- Lingual
- Linguatulosis, B88.8
- Linitis plastica (gastric), C16.9
- Lip
- Lipedema
- Lipemia
- Lipidosis, E75.6
- Lipoadenoma
- Lipoblastoma
- Lipoblastomatosis
- Lipochondrodystrophy, E76.01
- Lipochrome histiocytosis (familial), D71
- Lipodermatosclerosis
- Lipodystrophia progressiva, E88.1
- Lipodystrophy (progressive), E88.1
- Lipofibroma
- Lipofuscinosis, neuronal (with ceroidosis), E75.4
- Lipogranuloma, sclerosing, L92.8
- Lipogranulomatosis, E78.89
- Lipoid
- Lipoidemia
- Lipoidosis
- Lipoma, D17.9
- Lipomatosis, E88.2
- Lipomyoma
- Lipomyxoma
- Lipomyxosarcoma
- Lipoprotein metabolism disorder, E78.9
- Lipoproteinemia, E78.5
- Liposarcoma
- Liposynovitis prepatellaris, E88.89
- Lipping, cervix, N86
- Lipschütz disease or ulcer, N76.6
- Lipuria, R82.0
- Lisping, F80.0
- Lissauer\’s paralysis, A52.17
- Lissencephalia, lissencephaly, Q04.3
- Listeriosis, listerellosis, A32.9
- Lithemia, E79.0
- Lithiasis
- Lithosis, J62.8
- Lithuria, R82.998
- Litigation, anxiety concerning, Z65.3
- Little leaguer\’s elbow
- Little\’s disease, G80.9
- Littre\’s
- Littritis
- Livedo (annularis) (racemosa) (reticularis), R23.1
- Liver
- Living alone (problems with), Z60.2
- Living in a shelter (motel) (scattered site housing) (temporary or transitional living situation), Z59.01
- Lloyd\’s syndrome
- Loa loa, loaiasis, loasis, B74.3
- Lobar
- Lobomycosis, B48.0
- Lobotomy syndrome, F07.0
- Lobo\’s disease, B48.0
- Lobstein disease or syndrome (-Ekman), Q78.0
- Lobster-claw hand, Q71.6-
- Lobulation (congenital)
- Lobule, lobular
- Local, localized
- Locked twins causing obstructed labor, O66.1
- Locked-in state, G83.5
- Locking
- Lockjaw
- Loiasis (with conjunctival infestation) (eyelid), B74.3
- Lone Star fever, A77.0
- Long
- Long-term (current) (prophylactic) drug therapy (use of)
- Longitudinal stripes or grooves, nails, L60.8
- Loop
- Loose
- Loosening
- Looser-Milkman syndrome (-Debray), M83.8
- Lop ear (deformity), Q17.3
- Lorain short stature syndrome (-Levi), E23.0
- Lordosis, M40.50
- Loss (of)
- Louis-Bar syndrome (ataxia-telangiectasia), G11.3
- Louping ill (encephalitis), A84.89
- Louse, lousiness
- Low
- Low-density-lipoprotein-type hyperlipoproteinemia (LDL), E78.00
- Lowe\’s syndrome, E72.03
- Lown-Ganong-Levine syndrome, I45.6
- LSD reaction (acute) (without dependence), F16.90
- LTBI (latent tuberculosis infection), Z22.7
- Ludwig\’s angina or disease, K12.2
- Lues, luetic (venerea)
- Luetscher\’s syndrome (dehydration), E86.0
- Lumbago, lumbalgia, M54.50
- Lumbar
- Lumbarization, vertebra, congenital, Q76.49
- Lumbermen\’s itch, B88.0
- Lump
- Lunacy
- Lung
- Lupoid of Boeck (miliary), D86.3
- Lupus
- Luteinoma, D27.-
- Lutembacher\’s disease or syndrome (atrial septal defect with mitral stenosis), Q21.19
- Luteoma, D27.-
- Lutz disease (-Splendore-de Almeida)
- Luxation
- Lycanthropy, F22
- Lyell\’s syndrome, L51.2
- Lyme disease, A69.20
- Lymph
- Lymphadenitis, I88.9
- Lymphadenoid goiter, E06.3
- Lymphadenopathy (generalized), R59.1
- Lymphadenosis, R59.1
- Lymphangiectasis, I89.0
- Lymphangiectatic elephantiasis, nonfilarial, I89.0
- Lymphangioendothelioma, D18.1
- Lymphangioleiomyomatosis, J84.81
- Lymphangioma, D18.1
- Lymphangiomyoma, D18.1
- Lymphangiomyomatosis, J84.81
- Lymphangiosarcoma
- Lymphangitis, I89.1
- Lymphatic (vessel)
- Lymphatism, E32.8
- Lymphectasia, I89.0
- Lymphedema (acquired)
- Lymphoblastic
- Lymphoblastoma (diffuse)
- Lymphocele, I89.8
- Lymphocytic
- Lymphocytoma, benign cutis, L98.8
- Lymphocytopenia, D72.810
- Lymphocytosis (symptomatic), D72.820
- Lymphoepithelioma
- Lymphogranuloma (malignant)
- Lymphogranulomatosis (malignant)
- Lymphohistiocytosis, hemophagocytic (familial), D76.1
- Lymphoid
- Lymphoma (of) (malignant), C85.90
- Lymphomatosis
- Lymphopathia venereum, veneris, A55
- Lymphopenia, D72.810
- Lymphoplasmacytic leukemia
- Lymphoproliferation, X-linked disease, D82.3
- Lymphoreticulosis, benign (of inoculation), A28.1
- Lymphorrhea, I89.8
- Lymphosarcoma (diffuse), C85.9-
- Lymphostasis, I89.8
- Lypemania
- Lysine and hydroxylysine metabolism disorder, E72.3
- Lyssa