- ModifierDescription
- H9Court-ordered
- HAChild/adolescent program
- HBAdult program, non geriatric
- HCAdult program, geriatric
- HDPregnant/parenting women’s program
- HEMental health program
- HFSubstance abuse program
- HGOpioid addiction treatment program
- HHIntegrated mental health/substance abuse program
- HIIntegrated mental health and intellectual disability/developmental disabilities program
- HJEmployee assistance program
- HKSpecialized mental health programs for high-risk populations
- HLIntern
- HMLess than bachelor degree level
- HNBachelors degree level
- HOMasters degree level
- HPDoctoral level
- HQGroup setting
- HRFamily/couple with client present
- HSFamily/couple without client present
- HTMulti-disciplinary team
- HUFunded by child welfare agency
- HVFunded state addictions agency
- HWFunded by state mental health agency
- HXFunded by county/local agency
- HYFunded by juvenile justice agency
- HZFunded by criminal justice agency