- Sacral nerve stimulation test lead, A4290
- Sacituzumab govitecan-hziy, J9317
- Safety equipment, E0700
- vest, wheelchair, E0980
- Saline
- hypertonic, J7130
- solution, J7030-J7050, A4216-A4218
- Samarium SM 153 Lexidronamm, A9605
- Sargramostim (GM-CSF), J2820
- Scale, E1639
- Scoliosis, L1000 – L1499
- additions, L1010-L1120, L1210-L1290
- Sculptra, Q2028
- Sealant
- skin, A6250
- Seat
- attachment, walker, E0156
- insert, wheelchair, E0992
- lift (patient), E0621, E0627-E0629
- upholstery, wheelchair, E0975
- Sebelipase alfa, J2840
- Secretin, J2850
- Semen analysis, G0027
- Sensitivity study, P7001
- Sermorelin acetate, Q0515
- Serum clotting time tube, A4771
- SEWHO, L3960-L3974
- Sheepskin pad, E0188, E0189
- Shoes
- arch support, L3040-L3100
- for diabetics, A5500-A5514
- insert, L3000-L3030
- lift, L3300-L3334
- miscellaneous additions, L3500-L3595
- orthopedic, L3201-L3265
- positioning device, L3140-L3170
- transfer, L3600-L3649
- wedge, L3340-L3485
- Shoulder
- disarticulation, prosthetic, L6300-L6320, L6550
- orthosis (SO), L3650 – L3674
- spinal, cervical, L0100-L0200
- Shoulder-elbow-wrist-hand orthosis (SEWHO), L3960-L3969
- Shoulder sling, A4566
- Shunt accessory for dialysis, A4740
- aqueous, L8612
- Sigmoidoscopy, cancer screening, G0104, G0106
- Siltuximab, J2860
- Sincalide, J2805
- Sipuleucel-T, Q2043
- Sirolimus, J7520
- Sitz bath, E0160-E0162
- Skin
- barrier, ostomy, A4362, A4363, A4369-A4373, A4385, A5120
- bond or cement, ostomy, A4364
- sealant, protectant, moisturizer, A6250
- substitute, Q4100-Q4253
- Sling, A4565
- patient lift, E0621, E0630, E0635
- Social worker, nonemergency transport, A0160
- Sock
- body sock, L0984
- prosthetic sock, L8420-L8435, L8470, L8480, L8485
- stump sock, L8470-L8485
- Sodium
- chloride injection, J2912
- ferric gluconate complex in sucrose, J2916
- fluoride F-18, A9580
- hyaluronate
- Euflexxa, J7323
- GELSYN-3, J7328
- Hyalgan, J7321
- Orthovisc, J7324
- Supartz, J7321
- Synvisc and Synvisc-One, J7325
- Visco-3, J7321
- phosphate P32, A9563
- pyrophosphate, J1443
- succinate, J1720
- Solution
- calibrator, A4256
- dialysate, A4760
- elliotts b, J9175
- enteral formulae, B4149-B4156
- parenteral nutrition, B4164-B5200
- Somatrem, J2940
- Somatropin, J2941
- Sorbent cartridge, ESRD, E1636
- Specialty absorptive dressing, A6251-A6256
- Spectinomycin HCl, J3320
- Speech assessment, V5362-V5364
- Speech generating device, E2500-E2599, K1009
- Spinal orthosis
- cervical, L0100-L0200
- cervical-thoracic-lumbar-sacral (CTLSO), L0700, L0710
- DME, K0112-K0116
- halo, L0810-L0830
- multiple post collar, L0180-L0200
- scoliosis, L1000-L1499
- torso supports, L0960
- Splint, A4570, L3100, L4350-L4380
- ankle, L4390-L4398
- dynamic, E1800, E1805, E1810, E1815, E1825, E1830, E1840
- footdrop, L4398
- Static progressive stretch, E1801, E1806, E1811, E1816, E1818, E1821
- Sterile cefuroxime sodium, J0697
- Sterile water, A4216-A4217
- Stimulators
- neuromuscular, E0744, E0745
- osteogenesis, electrical, E0747-E0749
- ultrasound, E0760
- salivary reflex, E0755
- stoma absorptive cover, A5083
- Stomach tube, B4083
- Streptokinase, J2995
- Streptomycin, J3000
- Streptozocin, J9320
- Strip, blood glucose test, A4253, A4772
- urine reagent, A4250
- Strontium-89 chloride, supply of, A9600
- Stump sock, L8470-L8485
- Stylet, A4212
- Succinylcholine chloride, J0330
- Suction pump
- gastric, home model, E2000
- portable, E0600
- respiratory, home model, E0600
- Sumatriptan succinate, J3030
- Supartz, J7321
- Supply/accessory/service, A9900
- Support
- arch, L3040-L3090
- cervical, L0100-L0200
- spinal, L0960
- stockings, L8100-L8239
- Surederm, Q4220
- Surgical
- boot, L3208-L3211
- dressing, A6196-A6406
- stocking, A4490-A4510
- supplies, A4649
- tray, A4550
- Surgicord, Q4218, Q4219
- Surgraft, Q4209
- Swabs, betadine or iodine, A4247
- Syringe, A4213
- with needle, A4206-A4209
- Synojoynt, J7331
- Synvisc and Synvisc-One, J7325